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Loyal Bonehead and Daly City Fire Battalion Chief Tony Maffei.

He’s part of the support staff for “Bay 2 Brooklyn 2021.” A 3000 mile bike ride from Santa Clara to New York. 10 first responders will each ride the entire 3000 miles to the Brooklyn Bridge starting Sunday August. 1. They will arrive at Ground Zero for the 20th Anniversary of the attacks at the World Trade Center.

Tony is raising awareness for the event. He wants to acknowledge what these dedicated first responders are doing in memory of those who lost their lives on 9/11.

If you’d like to donate to support this 3000-mile / 40-day effort, there is a link on the ride’s website.

It is truly an epic event. The first Bay2Brooklyn event was in 2011 for the 10th anniversary of 9/11.

A huge “Thank you” to the 10 riders, Tony, and the entire staff of Bay 2 Brooklyn 2021.

For more info: