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LAMONT’S MUSIC NOTES-NOV 8, 2018…ON THIS DATE IN 1989 AEROSMITH WAS BACK ON TRACK WITH THEIR COMEBACK ALBUM ‘PUMP’ AND THE RELEASE OF THE SINGLE ‘JANIE’S GOT A GUN.’ THE SONG WAS THE SECOND SINGLE RELEASED FROM THE ALBUM AND IT PEAKED AT # 2 ON THE BILLBOARD ROCK CHARTS. STEVEN TYLER STARTED WRITING THE SONG IN HIS BASEMENT AND SAY’S IT TOOK 9 MONTHS TO FINISH THE LYRICS. HE CAME UP WITH THE TITLE ‘JANIE’S GOT A GUN’ AND THEN SAT ON IT “waiting for the oracle door to open.” TYLER TOLD “ROLLING STONE “ MAGAZINE IT ONLY BECAME A SONG ABOUT CHILD ABUSE AFTER “I looked over at a Time magazine and saw this article on 48 hours, minute by minute, of handgun deaths in the United States.” He continued: “Then I got off on the child-abuse angle. I’d heard this woman speaking about how many children are attacked by their mothers and fathers. It was f—ing scary. I felt, man, I gotta sing about this. And that was it. That was my toe in the door.” ‘JANIE’S GOT A GUN’ WON THE BAND A GRAMMY AWARD IN 1990.